A freelance job board is a website or platform that lists job postings for freelance work. These job boards are often focused on a specific niche or industry, and they may require freelancers to apply for each job individually by submitting their resume, cover letter, or portfolio. Freelance job boards may be free to access or may require freelancers to pay a fee to view or apply for job postings.
A freelance marketplace, on the other hand, is a platform that connects freelancers with clients who are looking for specific services. These marketplaces typically have a large number of freelancers and clients, and they often provide tools and resources to help freelancers manage their work, such as invoicing, communication, and project management. Freelance marketplaces typically take a commission or a fee for each project that is completed through the platform.
The key difference between a freelance job board and a freelance marketplace is that job boards are typically more focused on individual job postings, while marketplaces are focused on creating ongoing relationships between freelancers and clients. Freelancers who use job boards may need to apply for multiple jobs to find consistent work, while those who use marketplaces may be able to build relationships with clients and receive ongoing projects. Additionally, freelance marketplaces often provide a wider range of resources and support, such as dispute resolution, insurance, and other benefits that are not typically available on job boards.
See also: Freelance App, SolidGigs