169 results found for Freelance Profile
millo.co > upwork-profile-example
6 Winning Upwork Profile Examples from Six-Figure Freelancers
Upwork profile examples can inspire you when creating your own profile. And because creating an attractive, well-curated Upwork profile is crucial to landing more jobs, this article will share a few e...
millo.co > how-to-get-freelance-clients-using-seo
How to Get Freelance Clients Using SEO (Local & Global)
As a freelance logo designer based in Birmingham, I know firsthand how crucial it is to be easily discoverable by potential clients. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through search en...
millo.co > how-i-built-a-successful-freelance-business-from-literally-nothing
How I built a successful freelance business from literally nothing
With the new year approaching this is the perfect time to start something new. Something about a fresh start really motivates us to dig into the work we’ve been putting off and take on some new ...
millo.co > 10-ways-to-support-the-freelancers-you-hire
10 Ways to Support the Freelancers You Hire
As a freelancer, my journey has been a tapestry of triumphs, trials, and tremendous growth. The freelance life, often romanticized for its flexibility and freedom, also brings with it a unique set of ...
millo.co > pitch-agencies-freelance-work-heres-exactly-want-hear
What Agencies Really Want to Hear from Freelancers
As an agency owner, my partner Lou and I have seen our fair share of pitches from freelancers over the years. I’ll be honest – most of them end up in the trash pretty quickly. But every no...
millo.co > freelance-writing-jobs-for-beginners
13 Sites with Beginner Freelance Writing Jobs in 2024
Right now, beginners can find freelance writing jobs more easily than ever before. In the past, entry-level freelance writers had to sift through thousands of classified ads, send unsolicited pitch le...
millo.co > referral-partners-for-freelancers
How to Find Referral Partners as a Freelancer
Let’s talk about something that has made a massive difference for my freelance business over the last decade: referral partners. As an independent freelancer, I know firsthand that landing your ...
millo.co > upwork-vs-fiverr
Upwork vs Fiverr: Which is Best for Freelancers (2024)
The freelancing world is exploding like never before. As more people work from home and companies lean on outside help, places like freelance websites have become key to today’s work scene. We...
millo.co > freelance-coding-jobs
12 Freelance Coding Jobs Sites to Find Coding Clients in 2024
The gig economy has grown a lot in the last few years, and this could expand more with advances in technology. All you need is a computer and internet. Already, companies that offer delivery services ...
millo.co > how-to-feel-more-fulfilled-as-a-freelancer
How to Feel More Fulfilled as a Freelancer
Do you find freelancing fulfilling? For most people, including freelancers, their work is not just a money-making activity. It’s a way for them to self-actualize and achieve a higher purpose in life...